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NICE !!! 😊😊😊 AND GLAD YOU LIKED !!! 🔥🔥🔥

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HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!? ... The sheer amount of choices that cause alternate story lines and the various different details you took into consideration to eliminate conflicting scenes or contradicting outcomes is INCREDIBLE!... AND you COMPLETED the story in a fulfilling way like its EASY!... Like you were just tying your shoes or something!!!

And its a long, complex, interesting and fulfilling story.

There are several love interests and you can end up with any one of them, all of them, or any combination of them!... IS THIS THE BASKIN ROBINS 31 FLAVORS of Visual Novels!?!

and i only explored the more vanilla stuff... i did not have the girls post their nudes online, nor was i super dominant with the choices. So i know there is ALOT more content to explore still...

This is crazy.... Bravo


Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it 😊


Hi dev here is an ideal. Can you leave a link to each game of yours on each page you have. Nothing else by doing this you may get more downloads and likes for each game.

There’s a default link generated by in the top right corner of the game page, but it’s true that it’s not very noticeable. So, I’ll follow your suggestion and add a link at the bottom of the page pointing to my other game.


I just finished the game and greatly enjoyed it, so I bought it!
thanks for making it! :-)

Thank you ! ❤️

Gotta let you know during the gameshow in the video game section you got one of the questions wrong

Someone in reddit that this game is finished, they recommended this to me..I want to know if it's true. I'm playing on Android btw

Yes, the game is finished. However, to play the final version on Android, you'll need to use JoiPlay.

Hi, I managed to download the Joiplay but when I tried to download the renpypulgin it keeps saying "Site cannot be reached"?

I just checked and no problem to download the plugin on my side from the official website:

If you tried to download it from another platform, check that the version of JoiPlay you have installed is the same (1.20.023), as other versions exist but are not compatible with AlwaysFan.

Yes, the Joiplay version I downloaded is the same it's from the link you provided. But I'm having a problem trying to download the renpyplugin. 

Hello. I tried downloading the AlwaysFan*1.0) for Windows and Linx and got 2 error messages. The first error I got was not having permission and the second error I got was download error.

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Hello, regarding your download problem, I just checked and I was able to download and launch the game without any problem. So the issue must be with your connection or your web browser.

As for the permissions error, it would be easier to help you with the exact error message. If you're referring to the blue windows box indicating that this app is from an unknown publisher, which can happen with independent RenPy games, you need to click on additional information, then on run anyway. If you're talking about another error message, try to run it as administrator. 

I couldn't download it. No permission. My connection and web browser are fine.

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Hey Atemx! Its been 4 months and its almost end of the year. So i wanted to know how the work been going?


Hi Koaok ! Work is going very well, I'm in the middle of releasing Inanna Revenge. It's already available to my subscribers on patreon and will be public here on the 27th at 2pm (UTC +1).

Niiicee~ Thx Atemx and Happy new year! 🎊🌲✨🎊


Thx ! You too 🎄🎅🥳


Such a good game. I bawled my eyes out in the karaoke scene

Habrá algún otro juego parecido a Always?

Not exactly like AlwaysFan, but I'm working on a new game with the first episode coming out before the end of the year. 👇

Hola a todos, agradezco por está maravillosa experiencia de juego al creador fue explendido y encantador, al principio ya me encantaba el juego porque no había jugado uno igual, cuando empecé a jugarlo tuve que borrarlo dos veces porque no podía pasar del momento en cuanto estaba consiguiendo las pruebas 🤦🏾‍♂️ y Vi la actualización y la descargue, ya no sabía que hacer hasta hace poco, entre a su página para ver si podía encontrar algún comentario que me ayudara a pasar esa parte 🤦🏾‍♂️ me sentir devastado ya, lo intente muchas veces y no podía conseguir pruebas y siempre lo mataban 😭 pero al final recurrí a mirar las relaciones y puse el nombre de Emilie y gracias a eso pude conseguir más pruebas y poder seguir el recorrido del juego 😁😁🫣  del juego me encantó mucho la animación y el sonido que transmitía, se sentía un experiencia única, me imaginaba que era yo mismo quien tenía sexo con ella al escucharla gemir 🤦🏾‍♂️🥵 creo que el juego lo volveré a jugar muchas veces más... Gracias por el mejor juego de todos los tiempos que he jugado @JuegosdeAntemx
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Thanks for the kind comment !😊 Sorry to hear that finding evidence was a tough part for you, but glad you got past it and enjoyed the rest of the game so much! 👍

how to resolve the missing girl event with CCTV?


For the CCTV, you just need to watch the one in the showroom and the corridor full of guards. The rest of the evidence is in the e-mails and documents.

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how to complete the email section?
<img src="<a href=""></a>">

You need to click on the search bar at the top and use keywords to find incriminating emails. The clues you found here (available with the button at the top right) and the information you were able to collect throughout the story (like character names...) can help you.

Necesito saber algo sobre el juego de AlwaysFan


i'm really gonna miss them all now can't see it but those are tears of joy in my eyes at the ending


Even I had tears of joy with the post-credit scene of the happy ending when I finished it and played it for the first time, even though I knew how it would end.


I love this,take my 💰

Wait can’t you use mega? I downloaded games that were 2-3gbs in size from there. Just put the android version there and thats it!

That's not the problem, Android automatically blocks the installation of apks larger than 2 GB (2 GB compressed, once decompressed they can display a larger size on installation). But here the compressed version is 2.3 GB, which is over the limit.
The only way to get around this is to create an APK that doesn't contain the game data, download it separately and go through your phone's files to add the data separately, which requires more manipulation than going through JoiPlay. What's more, JoiPlay dispenses with all the bugs associated with the Android version, such as the gallery not updating properly, and allows you to play the uncompressed version if you wish, with better visual and audio quality.


(sigh) i guess i will play it on pc then. Cause i rly don’t to download and use joiplay to play my porn novels Or whatever else. And no! I cannot be convinced unless i will try it one day by myself.

With all that done.

I will now say this.

||| THANK YOU ATEMX GAMES ||| |||| THANK YOU VERY MUCH |||| You have created in my Opinion a very Based and Solid game known as “Alwaysfan” A great game filled with: good and variously lewd animated sex scenes, sexy Cosplays, big character cast with “big” personalities, a massive storyline with lots of paths to choose from. And of course the amount Degeneracy in this game O-OOHH! chef kiss. (Here was supposed to be fhe list of tags i would give but i getting tired writing)

Im grateful that such a cultural man created such a cultural game for us to enjoy. And it begs the question? Will you make more games? Will you continue to make more porn novels with the same spice that this one has? If no then ok i understand.😢 but if yes then il wait for it. Thx for all Atemx and farewell until next time.


Thank you very much! As for your question, yes, I already have another project in mind. I've only written the main plot lines and created a few character designs, so I've still got a lot of writing to do before I can really get going and it'll be quite different from AlwaysFan. Besides, there are already a few hidden easter eggs scattered around AlwaysFan about this... 

I'll be writing a (public) post on my patreon page shortly after the public release of AlwaysFan 1.0 where I'll go into a bit more detail.

i may be a lil annoying for asking and i apologize but when’s the next update?


Very soon, scheduled for August.


i may be a lil annoying for asking and i apologize but when's the next update?

I don't know if this game is still being updated or not. I can only access Patreon by climbing a ladder in my country, but there is no update for this game in the Chinese translation channel I have obtained


This summer, but I can't give a more precise date yet. If you want to follow the progress of the update, you can check my discord, where I post an infographic every Sunday about the project's progress. 


thank you broadie keep up the good work 🫶🏼


Very soon, scheduled for August.




Happy New Year, wishing you all the best!心想事成🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Thank you, I wish the same for you! 🎉🎉🎉




Thank you and you too 🎉🎉🎉


you're aware that you don't have to ask the player about the used platform? the renpy framework is aware of the environment, you can use the variables listed in

easiest is probably something like

    # set your mobile device stuff
    # you can expect mouse/keyboard as input
    # and ask the player if the menu should be shown

please do not check _only_ for windows and android, renpy is used on a lot of platforms (in my case linux), do not lock out users just because you don't use anything outside of win and droid :)

in the photo shoot with Amanda MC always uses Emilia's stage name (Luna is the default, iirc) but he slips later on, in script.rpy starting in line 7630. worst opsec ever :) 

was MC 10 (script.rpy:11206) or 11 (script.rpy:13405) years old when he got his first PC?


Hey, Thank you for your comments.
I discovered the renpy variables containing the platform long after writing this, but anyway this intro needs a bit of an overhaul so I'll be making this change at the same time.
Indeed, the MC seem to have a bit of trouble remembering the date of his first PC, so that will be rectified!
And about the use of Emilie's nickname during the shooting with Amanda, there is indeed a problem, thank you for pointing it out.

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nice game, btw, I'm hooked.

Cassandra's relationship screen throws an error about the undefined variable cassandra_slave (used a few times in relation.rpy). 

PS it is defined, in script2.rpy, but in my playthrough I am not yet there. could be fixed with after_load*, to make the variable available earlier when not yet defined


sorry, missed the bugfix you released


finished the version and have to say its amazing, some grammer mistakes but not a completel turn away.  such beautiful girls! Emili is my fav I suppose due to her uniqueness.  Never knew humans could be albino until your title and looked it up.  Definitely puts the aware aspect in real life and gives some education in the matter. I whole heartly approve!

cant wait for the next update!


Not bad but you might want to get of the flashing white lights. Keep up the good work


Hey been playing your title with great interest! When Emili asks about the VNs I saw alot of my favorite titles including one I cannot find.  WVM, please tell me where I can find it!  I've hunted for it for so long, still stuck with version 0.7.  I've checked all over the title and cant find anything to lead me to it....

Also, been enjoying your title greatly!

Hello, thanks for your comment!
About WVM, unfortunately I think that season 2 of the game is not available for free, only for his subscribers on Patreon and SubscribeStar. Here is the link:


Oh.... Damn,  oh well  I've tried the whole patreon thing and lets just say it didnt work out and I'm forced to pay adult VNs that are free.

On a better note!  Your title is addictive and quite beautiful! Love the little animation scenes and occasionally see Emilie with an evil look.  I'm inlove!




Perrrfect game


Any impregnation content?

That's great. I look forward to updating. Although I try to pay the work as it should, I don't know how to pay it in my country


would love an update sometime soon, the story is amazing?


The next episode is scheduled for the end of March. If you want to know the progress of the patch, feel free to join the discord.


Nice 😀😀😀🤌🤌

I'm not familiar with the website here. I downloaded the translated game. I really like your work from 0.2 to 0.3. I waited for several months. I look forward to your next update. I would like to ask that more girls will sharing, swinging, or any other form in the future. Although there are many pure love people, I still prefer to choose more playability (may increase more workload)


Hey, glad you liked this update! About the futur, there will be sharing options with more girls (not all of them) in the sharing route, so no worries about that ;). 

No, no, no, you may have misunderstood my concern. What I hope more is that you can share all the girls (maybe this will annoy many pure lovers)


any femdom in this game and character name, please?

or dominating personality female character name 

Deleted 1 year ago

The game was going so well, love Emilie and then you had to throw in r**e. Come on man at least give a warning, totally ruins the game. You could have that plot point without needing to show it. Yuck you will lose a lot of people with that.


So that scenes not optional? Just wondering before i download. Im not into that. Is it the MC that does it?


Thankfully no, it's carried out by one of the goons of the what appears to be main antagonist The game is really good, but that scene is completely unnecessary. The horrendous shit the main antagonist could be conveyed in different ways. Yet there is no warning, no option to skip. The way the antagonist is shown to be a total evil shit by the actions he takes especially around one character is more then sufficient. 

My recommendation is follow the game and see if that scene gets changed/removed etc. The rest of the game is really really good  


That sucks, I hate scenes like that no matter what. I'll probably just keep clicking past that scene and not bother looking at it. 

Just played it and thankfully it seems the route I chose avoided that scene. Did you defend the one girl when her boyfriend was insulting her in the restaurant?


Yeah I did. Is that what got me on the path? 

Either way I don't think the scene should exist in the form


It might be. I stayed quiet. I also chose i guess what youd call the love route. I didnt post her nudes, or let her be an escort or anything like that. And i agree. Had i seen that scene i probably would have Uninstalled it.


More Sex, Please  hehehe

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Hey, thanks for your message! There will be more in future updates, and with new characters if you do the choices that lead to it, don't worry about that :).